Thursday, March 19, 2009

Difficult to work with...Ha!

So as someone new to the blogging world, unless you thus count the silly MySpace blogs I had, I had something that occured today that threw me for a loop.

About 8 months ago my life went on somewhat of a downward spiral and I went a little crazy. Not crazy in the way of someone saying they are "crazy-busy" or "things are crazy at work" but literally crazy. I fell into a pretty deep depression with a whole bunch of stuff from financial issues, health issues, family issues, and mostly work issues. From July 2008-about January 2009 things just sucked rocks. I lost 5 staff from Dec to Feb and I had to do a whole bunch of hiring. So, I hired 3 PT staff in January and then I had to hire a FT staff and I offered a promotion to an internal candidate. Before he was hired I met with him extensively to see if this was what he really wanted. I also suggested that he ask some of the other people that I have worked with about working with me because I didn't want him to go into this situation blindly and he may not want to work with me. He accepted the promotion about 6 weeks ago and I have to say that I am tickled pink by his work. For being so young (and I say that like I'm so old, but he's 7 years younger than me) he's got an incredible work ethic and I've noticed that we share similar work habits. I've reiterated with him on more than one occasion that if he's got issues with me he should bring them up to me so we can work on it together. Today I was meeting with another staff and we were discussing our new guy and what a great guy he is. I shared with this other staff what I had spoken to the new guy about and this other staff tells me that the new guy came by before he accepted this position and said that he'd heard that I was difficult to work with. I about laughed my butt off. I know I'm not the most easy-going person to work with, but I've never considered myself to be difficult to work with. But, what is funniest about this is that he still took the job! I must be doing something right! Ha!

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