Let me preface this by saying that my pictures are uploaded onto my FB account, if you're not my friend, send a friend request with the info of where you know me.
Okay, so I had set the alarm on my phone for 7:30 am and we had planned to meet for breakfast at 9:30 am. Saturday was our scheduled panel and we definitely wanted to rehearse. My body clock automatically wakes me up about 6:00 am, and we slept in the room with the curtains open. Thus, I was wide awake at like 5:45. I tried to go back to sleep, but it was to no avail. We all very slowly and sluggishly got ready and got checked out of the hotel by 9:30 am. We had breakfast at Cracker Barrel and practiced our panel presentation. We all looked cute in our red/black/white color coordination.
We got to the Wigwam and arrived just in time for Twilight Yes/No trivia. I got to go with the first group of 30 people and they fire questions at you really quickly and you have to choose yes or no. I did fairly well and I totally blew it with a super easy question that my mind did not catch up with. We tried to get Whitney up on stage as well, but I really think that Adam had it out for us. Carrie and I did not want to sit next to the Smelly Girl again, and fortunately Whit's seats next to her were not taken. So, we moved up and got to sit with Whit and across from Jen and Melinda.
We get settled in and Mike Welch was up first. He is super adorable in person and has a beautiful smile. He stumbled on a lot of his questions and later we wondered if he wasn't hung over. He did the booty dance three times and talked about dancing professionally. There was time for one more question and this unbelievably dumb person totally wasted it on asking him to throw his water bottle out to the audience.
After Mike, we got to see Edi again and he was the same as the night before. Super cool and eyes still piercing, he spoke about the phone call that he was going to make the day before. He is very very cool spoke in the Kelly voice in front of us. He talked about how wonderful it was to play a bad guy and that even though he isn't in Eclipse, he appreciates being able to be a part of such a project. There weren't any obnoxious fan questions this time around. He made another phone call on stage and it turns out he was calling Stephenie Meyer, but she was unavailable.
After Edi was the wolf pack with Gil Birmingham, Chaske Spencer, and Alex Meraz. Before I get into what they spoke about, let me just say that Chaske and Alex are absolutely beautiful. Seriously stunning. Like Lisa Hansen said when the stills of the Wolf Pack came out, they never looked like this in my imagination. Shoot! Understatement of the year!! The spoke about their experiences on set, funniest moments, including one in which Alex, channeling his "inner Paul" grabbed Kristen's throat. He said Chris Weitz was super cool about the mishap and told him to "keep the intensity inside." Chaske laughs and jokes around a lot and has an accent. He says he's known Gil for 10 years and he admires his work. He suggested we all You Tube the "Muscles" video by Diana Ross, in which Gil appeared in a Speedo. Go do it! It's funny! Alex talked about his capoiera group, which he would be performing later at the ball, what they do to work out, all the protein they have to eat to bulk up, and having to go film Eclipse later this month. They all talked about the relationships they've built with the cast, and Chaske got to talk about kissing Tinsel Korey. Alex said, "That's HAWT." Gil says that he had it easy because he got to be in a wheelchair the whole time and he didn't have to walk anywhere and he totally used it to his advantage. The funniest part of their Q/A was that Chaske and Alex both had cups of Starbucks with them and placed them rather strategically between their legs. Well, let's just say that some of us were a bit distracted by the cup placement. They ended the panel by having Alex demonstrate some of his capoiera moves. Super cool.
After the wolf pack q/a session, we had to wait in another very disorganized and super long line. We had autographs with Mike Welch, Gil Birmingham, Alex, and Chaske. Gil was asked about his harem of girlfriends, per Catherine's words. Jen braved asking him the question and he cracked up. I had you tubed the Muscles video while we were sitting in our seats still and I mentioned that I saw it on my phone. Gil started shaking his head and just laughed and re-told the story of how one day when they were on set that he was talking about what he did in his youth. Then, around midnight they all went to bed. Around 3 am, he gets pounding on his door by Alex and Bronson and they were squealing that they found the video. I said, "Gil, you can find anything on the Internet." He said, "yeah, I learned that." We got autographs of Alex and Chaske as well and Jen asked Chaske if they could be in costume for our photo ops and he laughed and said no. So then we get to Alex's table and Jen said, "Hey Alex, Chaske says you guys will be in costume for the photo ops." Alex starts laughing and says, "No he didn't." And I chime in and say, "Well, he is your alpha, right?" Alex laughed at that one. I also asked if Alex spoke Spanish because I knew he was part Mexican and he said he only understood a bit. I also asked what his wife thinks of all the female attention and he said she absolutely loves it.
After the q/a session and the autographs, it was time for our Twilight Mom panel. Suddenly we were super nervous. Fortunately, the room cleared out pretty much and there was probably only about 20-30 people in there. Jen did an awesome job moderating and asked us a series of questions about being Twilight Moms and how the world of Twilight has brought us together. Despite the few people in the audience, I think it went well, but I don't want to do it again. We got to see Joyce from Cullen Boys Anonymous, who was a TM as well and we got to do the Breaking Dawn slumber party with her. It was cool to reconnect.
After all this, we were starving like crazy and decided to head back to the room and order some pizza and soda and we started getting ready. Curling hair took the longest for everybody and we all shared that responsibility with helping one another out. I did my makeup super smoky eyes and Whit asked me to do her makeup and I was so proud of it, she was looking super cute in her gold dress and turquoise jewelry. We practically had to sew Melinda into her dress, she had just finished it that afternoon. Jen looked absolutely adorable and Carrie looked absolutely stunning. We got to the ball just as Alex's capoeira group was nearing the end of their performance. I'm super sad we missed it, but what we did see was amazing. I've always been enthralled with capoeira, it's an amazing art form and to see it performed again was awesome. We sat at a corner table and Melinda and Jen set up their amazing centerpiece that they created. It was a replica of the gazebo at the end of Twilight with a rotating dance floor, miniature lights, greenery, and a Bella and Edward doll. Melinda even sewed a blue dress and white cardigan for Bella. It was beautiful. It didn't win, but another, bigger gazebo entry won. After the centerpiece competition, we started drinking and dancing. I spilled my drink on the dance floor, but it got cleaned up really quickly. Really cool moment at this point was that Kiowa Gordon and Christian Serratos and Justin Chon were there at the Vampire Ball and dancing like crazy. Kiowa danced with the winner of another trivia contest, as did Justin and Mike Welch. Very cool. Kiowa is the cutest thing ever and has the most piercing eyes. Mike Welch performed a song from Dreamgirls (I'm Staying/You're Gonna Love Me) and afterward posed for pics in the hallway with various fans. I got a really good one of Melinda and Jen. I took a couple of pics of Kiowa as well as he was leaving. I wanted to follow and stalk him, but alas...he had to go.
After this, Whitney decided she was going home so we went back to the room and I changed shoes and refreshed my makeup. We walked Whit to her car and then went back to the ball to dance more. We had a couple more drinks and by this time the four remaining of us were a bit tipsy. We closed the vamp ball down that night, danced like mad women, hung out with people we didn't know, had random people coming up to us, and just danced our tushies off. It was awesome! Afterward, the bar was no longer open even though we wanted to continue drinking, so we hung out by the pool for about a 1/2 hour and put our feet in the water. We had more drunken antics at this time and there was some rock climbing involved. Then, as we were walking back to the room, we stopped at the giant chess board and took some pictures there with the chess pieces. Once we got back to the room we totally collapsed we were so tired.
Day three will be up with my next post!